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Tag: karl deeter music

It was a long break

It was a long break

Between making new material and the pandemic I took a long break from Music.

For the pandemic years I stopped playing because without performance the relationship I had with music held no foundational point of reference.

Now that the places I call home are finally getting back to what they should have always been (a liberal and free place), I’m back doing some gigs and am also going to work through making some new albums! One of which will probably be based on Irish music which I have played for decades but never recorded.


‘Cracked Up’ gets it’s first official review

‘Cracked Up’ gets it’s first official review

I was pleased to see my new album get a review from an actual music critic (as opposed to a music fan with an opinion) in the Sunday Business Post on the 26th of March. Johnnie Craig was the person who did it, a big ‘thank you’ to him – we’ve never met – for being so frank and pulling no punches.

The review isn’t stellar, a first outing usually isn’t the best you’ll ever make, but what it does do is point out some of the strong points with a fair dosage of the albums weak points.

I’m a sucker for that line about it sounding like ‘sun-soaked, dusty, free-wheeling Americana‘, I couldn’t think of a better set of adjectives if you gave me a month and a good bottle of bourbon to go with it.

Karl Deeter album review sunday business post
Final mixing of 2016’s work is underway!

Final mixing of 2016’s work is underway!

I was up with Al Cowen in Sonic today and we did the final mixes for the album recorded last year and now he’s going to master them up and soon they ought to be available in the usual places where nobody will find them 🙂

It has been a good experience so far and I’m delighted with the song choices, there will be more albums to follow shortly (in part because I have nearly an album of work ready from my Jody Smith sessions in 2014 that just need some work).

Anyway, hope the feedback is good.
